July In The Vegie Patch + Chooks In The Greenhouse

Even when its cold and frosty there’s plenty of food to be had from the garden. Here’s a quick round up of what we’re harvesting to inspire you to a […]

How To Store Apples

A store of eating apples to draw on through Autumn and Winter is deeply satisfying, and the best kai of all – an apple as nature intended! Storing is, however, […]

February Fruit Tree To Do List

Fruit trees are peaking! I hope the grass and herbal ley are thigh high and you’re revelling in surround sound fruit – late plums, pears, apples and oh so peachy. […]

December Fruit Tree To Do List

Fruit trees look kinda static, but they’re super dynamic! Hormones, enzymes, sugars – much goes on as they constantly adapt to the environment – wet, dry, windy, hot, cold, pest, […]