This Month

February in the Vegie Patch + Greenhouse
Even though the summer harvest is in full swing, its time to turn our attention to planting Autumn and Winter crops. Make the most of the warm nights and fast growth to get slow growing winter crops like carrots, … [Read More...]

February Fruit Tree To Do List
Fruit trees are peaking! I hope the grass and herbal ley are thigh high and you're revelling in surround sound fruit - late plums, pears, apples and oh so peachy. A sight for sore eyes! As stone fruit are harvested, … [Read More...]

3 Simple Ways to Revive Soil
In an ideal world, our soils don't end up hungry and tired. We take care of them in a little and often way so they stay juicy + wormy in order to sustain the demands of production. But - hey, it happens.... life happens! … [Read More...]

An Easy-as, In-ground Worm-farm
An in-ground, home-made worm-farm costs next to nothing to set-up, takes next to no time to run and yet it turns your food-scraps into gold, aka worm-castings. Worm-castings are good-for-everything! For sick plants, … [Read More...]