Garden coaching, advice and consults available with Kath Irvine of Edible Backyard




This Month

July’s Fruit Tree To-Do List

Winter is tree planting season, so I'm including all trees, in this months to do list. Make the most of this seasonal planting opportunity! As well as planting deciduous fruit trees, get onto shelter plantings - it's so … [Read More...]

July In The Vegie Patch + Chooks In The Greenhouse

Even when its cold and frosty there's plenty of food to be had from the garden. Here's a quick round up of what we're harvesting to inspire you to a four seasons vegie patch. Leafy greens abound - chard, spinach, … [Read More...]


Learn Your Winter Landscape

The shady, the sunny, the frosty, the soggy - how well do you know your winter landscape? Ideally, really well. Are the plants that need winter sun and warmth located in it? Take the opportunity! Winter comes but once a … [Read More...]

How To Grow Raspberries

Awesome crops of awesome raspberries begins with a good setup, and so today I'm focusing you in on getting the basics sorted first: choosing a good location + a good variety. With this well sorted, their care is easy … [Read More...]