Learn Your Winter Landscape

The shady, the sunny, the frosty, the soggy – how well do you know your winter landscape? Ideally, really well. Are the plants that need winter sun and warmth located […]

How To Grow Raspberries

Awesome crops of awesome raspberries begins with a good setup, and so today I’m focusing you in on getting the basics sorted first: choosing a good location + a good […]

Project 4: Tree Research

This is Project 4 in my Start a Garden Guide, and is the perfect autumn mission for anyone planning on planting fruit/ shelter/ shade trees this winter. Rule number 1 […]

My 3 Fav Ways to Start a Vegie Patch

Here are my three favourite ways to begin a vegie patch. All are variations of no-dig, and all grow brilliant vegies with no bought fertiliser. The only buy ins are […]