How to Sow a Greencrop

Greencrops (also called greenmanures) are awesome! Diversity, homegrown fertility + living mulch all in one. There are 2 ways to go about this. Both are awesome, thing is which one suits your situation […]

Manure 101

Manure is part of natures deft design – we eat the food that grew on the ground that’s fertilised by the manure which began as the food – such an […]

April In The Greenhouse

The greenhouse soil has worked hard in the summer heat, and needs a bit of love before planting the next lot of crops out. Create space As long as tomatoes, […]

Step by Step to a Perfectly Fed Vegie Patch

Overfeeding is easily done. Surrounded as we are, by seductive marketing and miracle soil food, home gardeners fertilise wildly. You’re unsure what you’re doing. That’s all. And its totally understandable […]