Worm-castings (worm poops), are the good-for-everything, by-product of your worm farm. It’s no exaggeration to say that they have super powers. Team them with your homemade compost (your gardening dynamic duo), and your vegie garden will never look better. There are plenty of ways to farm worms. My preference is a simple set-up that’s either […]
Search Results for: compost
Easy fertility! Reduce your compost needs
Homemade compost is the ultimate soil food – safe from herbicide/ pesticide/ fungicide residue and full of life! It may seem daunting to make all your own, but with a good setup you totally can. The trick is to incorporate fertility into your garden design. Team that with a good compost making set up plus […]
Easy peasy compost: A good setup
The trick to easily made composts is to have all the ingredients on hand, the bins close by the vegie patch and a hose near by. Easy peasy! 2 types of compost bin A couple of pallets slid over stakes do the job perfectly. Air is super important for a healthy compost, that’s why black […]
Easy Peasy Compost
Homemade compost is the very best fertility for your vegie garden because its alive, minerally rich and stable. Your plants reflect this by growing steadily + strongly, and the reduction in pests and disease is quite something. Homemade looks and smells nothing like bought – it really is far superior. And though it sounds like […]