Take a Walk on the Wildside


chicory herbal ley

I’m hoping this month to encourage you to explore your wild side. To stop ironing out your backyards, and instead to let them go. This is our orchard. Thigh high in grass and herbs. “Looking a bit unruly out there” is often said, and yes it is! Unruly, beautiful, vibrant, alive!

Soil life flourishes in spray free, wild areas such as these. This diverse community of minature life forms keep soil in good heart and is the well-spring of everyone’s (crops, animals, humans) good health. Beneficial soil organisms gather beneath your trees and in your wild  (undisturbed) areas and spread from there – secretly sneaking into the lands beyond your fence. A quiet revolution takes place when you loosen your grip.

The day has come my gardening friends for us to shake our styles up, to question old ideas and look to new ways (which, in a funny turn of events, are old ways). New year is the perfect time to pick one new thing to lessen your impact. Go next level! Grow your own mulch, grow all your greens, stop spraying – whatever floats your boat, and do it this year with all your heart. Who better to rekindle the earth, than we the gardeners.

Gentle, kind ways will get us there. Start with a walk on the wild-side.

Yours in the earth