Make Your Summer Garden Better


30th Nov potagerGardens go up a gear in December – plants, seeds, weeds, pests, the good and bad. Everything starts to zoom along. Keep everything in top health and pest epidemics at bay with a daily garden walk. Sort stuff there and then. If done daily, it’s easy little stuff – little weeds, little pests, little bits of disease and it makes your garden (and your life) better.

This morning on my walk I pulled a few wind-blown hollyhocks off my young mandarin, squashed aphids on roses, sprinkled slug bait around the bean seeds that are just poking through the soil, pulled a bit of nettle from the salads (no fun in your sandwich), pricked on sunflowers so they don’t get too leggy, ate a few asparagus spears, rejoiced at the first zinnia about to open and squashed a pair of mating shield bugs on the raspberry… one family down – yuss!

The thing is not to walk away. Do that little job there and then.

And while you’re out there soak up all the beauty, count your blessings and let your cares fade away.

Yours in the Earth,