July’s Fruit Tree To-Do List


Blood maple. Deciduous trees are great for leaf litter and letting in winter light.

Winter is tree planting season, so I’m including all trees, in this months to do list. Make the most of this seasonal planting opportunity! As well as planting deciduous fruit trees, get onto shelter plantings – it’s so important for your food gardens to be tucked away from big winds, and use this once a year moment to restore your land + community. With trees, of course! They’re the very best!


Newly planted hazelnut

Plant deciduous fruit trees, nuts, berries, currants, gooseberries and shelter trees.

Ponder your landscape and consider where you could fit more trees in, without blocking light to house + gardens.

  • Wet areas – don’t graze them, plant them up!
  • Stream side or river side – planting riparian strips improves water quality like you wouldn’t believe. Get onto it – our waterways desperately need our care.
  • Steep slopes also need trees. If there’s anything we can learn from recent weather events, it’s that our world is better by far when slopes are held in situ. And the very best way to do this is with trees.

If your land is tiny or you’ve fully planted every opportunity, stretch out into community planting programmes or donate to the wonderful Trees That Count.


Sharpening seceteurs pre pruning edible backyard nz

Prune berriescurrants, grapes, feijoas, avocados and deciduous fruit trees for best health and better fruits, next year.