Top up your Dung Heap


manure pile

Back in the day everyone had a dung heap. Before there were blue pills for gardens, there were cow do’s. And the cow do’s win (though don’t be poo-ist, whatever do’s you can get your hands on are great). Rotten manure grows the best soil,  the best vegies and the best roses.

A dung heap is simply a pile of manure. Leaving manure to rot before using is the key. Don’t use it fresh!

  • Pile it up somewhere the runoff will be appreciated eg near a rhubarb or around the edges of your vegie patch.
  • Keep it covered.
  • Add fresh do’s to the pile as you collect them.
  • Scrape out rotten do’s as you need them to prepare a bed or for side dressing heavy feeders like leeks or brassica.
rotten manure full of worms
Rotten manure is the best!

A dung heap will improve your garden like you wouldn’t believe. Poo is THE BEST.