April in the Vegie Patch + Step by step to perfectly fed soil


In this months newsletter, I’m pretty excited to share with you “Step by step to a perfectly fed soil.” Perfect in this case, means just right – not too much, not too little. The goldilocks point. And when you find it, everything comes into line, hence my excitement! Overfeeding, you see, is the cause of nearly all your garden woes.

The answers are super simple. And easy!, and this, I believe, is your sticking point. Nature is the boss. Her processes are strong + vital.

A little news. I’ve rejigged my garden coaching calendar, to better help those who cannot do daytimes. You can now grab 20mins with me 6.00pm – 7.30pm, on a Tues or Wed eve. My usual Thurs and Saturday mornings remain.

Yours in the earth